Auto Start Jupyter Lab on Machine Boot Up

In the previous article , we have seen how to install jupyter lab on a virtual machine in Google Cloud Platform. In this article, we will see , how we can enable the jupyter lab as a service so that a user doesn’t have to run the command manually to start the jupyter lab service.
Login to the Virtual Machine via SSH and execute the below commands:
sudo mkdir -p /opt/jupyterlab/etc/systemd
sudo touch /opt/jupyterlab/etc/systemd/jupyterlab.service
Open the file “/opt/jupyterlab/etc/systemd/jupyterlab.service” and add below content
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/jupyter lab --ip --port 8888 --no-browser --allow-root[Install]
Please validate the text that is in bold and ensure that its replaced with the correct path based on your environments.
Save the file and execute below commands.
sudo ln -s /opt/jupyterlab/etc/systemd/jupyterlab.service /etc/systemd/system/jupyterlab.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable jupyterlab.service
sudo systemctl start jupyterlab.service
sudo systemctl status jupyterlab.service
You will observe a token when you run the last command.
Visit the URL “http://<<IP>>:8888” and set the token retrieved from above step and provide your password so that we don’t need token every-time.
Now stop the VM and start it again. Once the VM is started , visit “http://<<IP>>:8888” and it will ask for password to proceed.